


视觉 & 表演艺术在线课程

视觉 和 performing arts teachers have created videos 和 lessons that you can do at home. 他们在 音乐、戏剧和视觉艺术. Students can do them independently or with someone else. The lessons require minimal materials – things you can find in your home.

此外,西雅图艺术办公室 & Culture created an online video series with teaching artists through our joint initiative, 创意优势. 要查看完整系列,请访问 创意优势网络艺术.


  • Students should engage in 60 minutes of any arts discipline per week to meet elementary st和ards in the arts. 你可以做得更多!
  • Making art doesn’t have to happen all at once as students can create in small 10-minute sections or stay with it for as long as they like. 

探索. 参与. 玩得开心!







Singing From Your Diaphragm with Erica Merritt: Learn why it is important to sing from your diaphragm with teaching artist Erica Merritt. 这节课包括呼吸游戏和歌曲.

准备和Erika Merritt一起唱歌 Learn how to prepare your face 和 body for singing. This lesson includes facial exercises 和 what to do with feelings of being nervous 和 anxious when singing in front of others. This lesson is great for learners of all ages, particularly youth grades 3-8.

和艾丽卡·梅里特一起唱歌的发音:学习提高发音的练习, the formation of clear 和 distinct sounds in speech or song, 用舌头说话, 下巴, teeth 和 lips when singing so that every word you sing can be understood. This lesson is great for learners of all ages, particularly youth grades 3-8.


Select your instrument 和 find video lessons (和 have fun)!

第一课:手指的流动性和精度 – 手指流动性和精度视频 
第二课:- G音符 – G Note视频 和 G音符课PDF
第三课:低A音 – 低A音视频 和 低A音课程PDF 
第四课:发音 – 清晰度的视频 和 发音课PDF
第五课:八分音符 – 八个音符视频 和 第八课PDF






当学校在2020年春季停课时, Creative Advantage arts partners got to work to ensure that youth (和 adults too) get arts learning while at home.

艺术队 : Live youth arts events 和 pre-recorded on-line lessons for all ages in multiple disciplines, 包括每天的YouthSpeaks写作提示

Bayfest青年剧院 戏剧和舞蹈课

狼的中央 : Lessons in sculpture, painting, origami, writing, culinary, film-making

KUOW放射性 : Radio stories by area youth made during the p和emic

MoPOP : K-12 lessons in crafting, fantastic creatures 和 social activism

动人心弦的舞蹈 继续在家里跳舞!

西雅图歌剧院 2-7岁儿童的歌剧时间

西雅图剧团 : Videos led 和 created by STG Teaching Artists 和 offer a variety of genres including dance, 音乐, 还有音乐剧.

STYLE : Weekly read-aloud lesson with original soundtracks.